Starting with an interview with management and human resources, we evaluate the current professional situation of the candidate. What are the predictable changes, the technological, digital and/or structural transformations?
During this interview, we also determine the company’s motivations for offering an internal orientation to the employee. What are the stakes for the company? What medium and long term perspectives can be expected?
To provide additional insight and to support your choices, our tools evaluate the success criteria of the person selected for a transition and enable us to propose a concrete development plan. We take into account the active management of his/her network, the willingness to update skills and to integrate new technologies and digital technology in his/her life and work.
In addition, our battery of tests (*) help to identify personal values, motivations, attitudes and resources of the candidate. On request, we can adjust the tests to specific needs of the company.
On request, we can adjust the tests to specific needs of the company. The test system is secured and matches the usual requirements of personal data protection and respect of the candidates’ privacy.
In a work-session, we present the candidate’s global profile, empathizing on his/her resources, strengths and outline a plan to develop skills and assets. If desired, we accompany you and the candidate thru the transition with work sessions,
discussions and coaching.
(*) We use original tests, developed by us and not available online.